It has been an interesting month thus far. I apologize for being absent the past several weeks. I just have been in a funk again.....
But the best part was starting the month with a quilt retreat. That is: just four of us assembled at a wonderful place called Fern Hill near New Glarus, Wisconsin. It was a much needed opportunity to girl talk, sew hours on end, and admire the lovely rolling hills. Almost 4 days away from home.
This is the lovely sunset. So pretty, and the photo does not do the colors justice.
Here is the sewing room; we were very well spaced for social distancing.
The place was amazing with all kinds of bonuses: a library of books, several cutting stations, a huge space to lay out quilts, design walls, and that was just the sewing area.

And the views from the room were so spectacular, not anything like living in the city.
Here are a few projects I worked on : candy bags for Christmas gifts: Great videos on Youtube by Missouri Star Quilting and another one. I have a few more to finish. The bags are covered with heat attached vinyl then layered and quilted and finally assembled with a zipper at the top and a box pleat at the bottom.

This paper pieced fox turned out great, but was the bane of my progress for some time. It is paper pieced and I purchased the pattern online. I just am not used to larger pieces that flip in all sorts of angles. But I do like how it turned out. Now just to finish the baby quilt to go with it.
This was not mine, but I really love the design. It is an exchange block for Kaffe Fassett. But wow, so striking
And then I got startitis this week.I have lots I want to do, but can't seem to get focused.
I actually, for a retired lady, have been teaching/tutoring a family for several weeks now. Last week got up to 22 hours now that quarantines are in place. Kids are kids and avoid hard work. It is so different without teachers in front of them checking progress making them do their best.
Screen time just does not duplicate the experience for these kiddos. Oh, Covid, how you have changed us.
This is my winter background for a snowflake quilt. Progress.
Wishing you all better success. I love checking out your blogs of the hand quilting and various designs and colors of quilts. Oh, to be better at time management.