Sunday, March 14, 2021
Retreat 2.0
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Rainbow Scrap Challenge
I am late to the game. And I hadn't started any colors until this week. I was going to make the zig zag RSC from 2018. But I just couldn't stomach the corners anymore. So I started a new block.
And I am really happy I did . I was interested in making a curved log cabin and found this link: They have really good pictures but call it a dogwood quilt. The colored strips were cut at 1 1/2 inches and the white strips cut at 1 inch. My individual block is also adapted to finish at 5 and 3/4 inches. I just left the final row off . I am thinking of modifying the sizes to make smaller and larger ones . Hmmm.
I just made 4 blocks into a circle. I started with yellow as that was February's color for the RSC quilt for socrappy. This is a teacher who posts a linky party every Saturday , has a new block to make each month and they color changes month randomly.

Monday, March 8, 2021
I have finished piecing sections of the border for this quilt: Tic Tac Go:
These are the blocks laid out.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Spring flowers
I have been slowly working on my wool applique for spring. It has been a goal for for this month to finish the hand stitching and get this block done. I just love the bright cheery colors and found this really neat design in a book. The on point setting also appealed to me.
Other progress was to cut and begin sewing the piano keys border to my scrap quilt: Tic Tac Go.
I posted the layout a few days ago. I am going to assemble in next week on retreat.
I have at least enough for 2 sides. And looking at the colors in the pictures. I can see that I need a few more lights in the bunch.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Tic Tac Go
On a roll to clean out and finish! I was so excited! I thought my retreat was this week and had been collecting things for the give away table. And I had worked so hard to make the 25 squares for my scrap quilt to put together. Each block has 85 pieces and is 15 inches finished size Lots of cutting and sewing to make 9 patch and half square units; then I would assemble units to blocks. I have no idea what the real name as I created mine from a photo on Pinterest.
So what to do with an extra week. I got out a UFO to keep working on. This was a Rainbow Scrap Challenge from 2018. I was making long rows of color using strips and black and white to tie it together and give it punch. I pulled it out, I cut yellows for February's color. ( I am not a pink girl. ) I took apart the one row assembled incorrectly. Resewed them. INCORRECTLY again.
So I took a break and cleaned my bookshelf washing all the knick knacks, getting rid of old things. I now want to redo a few pieces in more farmhouse colors. The more you do, the more you find things to do.
And after deliberations, I have decided to chuck the RSC blocks. It goes to a give away table or the trash. I do not care. One more thing off my list.
So for my goals from January 1st:
Rainbow Scrap UFO: Tanked, gone, and out of my life.
Star challenge: no progress, still hanging in the closet
Scrap quilt (Tic Tac Go) : ALL blocks made and ready to assemble
Sleepy fox: Completed!
Winter mini quilt: Completed!
New York Beauty: no progress
Daughter's Orange spinner: Completed!
So lots of successes!