Hooray! What wonderful weather. And I have so many things to look forward to:.
My spouse agreed to replace my sliding glass door which was original to the house since 1977. It is extra large, but so important to my look on nature in the back yard. It will cost a few pretty pennies, but so worth it.
Plus he also agreed to a lawn care service. I was getting so frustrated with the moss, bare spots and lack of green. He takes such care with mowing it; so consistent. This will really spruce us up.
School end is a month away. And we have a family wedding then to attend in North Carolina.
I can tell you that I am perking up now that the 2nd go round of antibiotics is done. Wow, I feel so much better. Just need to get the endurance up.
So I am working on my Block of the Month: which is gooseberry patch. And I am piecing the Cross and crown 9 inch blocks. putsy, but they should be great. Love the variety of reds and backgrounds!
Squares were cut 3 and 1/4 inches
After I did my diagonal line and quarter inch seams, cut in half and thin trimmed to 2 and 7/8 inches.
( not in the pattern)
Went together much easier than I thought. Tricks that helped: starched fabrics prior to cutting and this pattern. Here is the link if you would like to try it.
Cross and crown block
The right picture is 6 stacks of 4 each. Now just to assemble the blocks with lattice.

And I have cut out lots of my garden fence blocks. Plus I ordered more grays and whites.
Each block is 10 inches. This bright quilt will be for my little grandson on his big boy bed.

10 blocks done, 28 more for me to piece. They go together quickly.
Lastly here are my mug rugs for my Mom for Mother's day.