My cute grandson is so excited. He finally gets to go to school like his big brother. Yeah for 4 year old kindergarten! He is so much fun; and is Grandpa's little buddy. We get a kick out of him looking so much like his daddy.

So a week ago, my daughter in law mentioned she hadn't purchased a nap blanket for this guy. I had made one for the older brother 2 years ago. And all I needed was this comment to immediately volunteer to make one. But he needs it for September 1.
So to the fabric stash I went. I found a great construction vehicle print. And then searched Pinterest for boy quilts. I have always wanted to make this one.

But I found an easy peasy one that would work better.

I had a selection of solids and added a couple from my favorite local quilt shop. And worked a plan out. After a day of math mistakes, I made the correction without re-cutting all the blocks.

I appliqued five of the vehicles to the road and then added the borders. Quilting was just done to outline the roads and the vertical seams with a walking foot. The back is a might crooked. Oh well!

And last is his name. Love this guy to bits. This is only his 3rd quilt I have made for him.
Binding is the same fabric.