Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 Busy, busy busy. 

August ended with a trip to Door County, the thumb of Wisconsin sticking out in Lake Michigan. It is our yearly trip and we so enjoy being away from home to spend some quality time together. And at the same time, we can't get enough of walking along the water's edge at various locations at the marinas or on  the shores. One day I even walked 14,000 steps, a record for me. 

The highlight was a sailboat trip where we had a brisk wind and the boat keeled (leaned) as it rode the waves up and down. I was encouraged to sit along the side, dangle my feet. I was wet up to my bum and laughed and enjoyed it so much. What a memory!

The following weekend was the Great Wisconsin Quilt Show in Madison, the capitol. So much to take in. So many vendors and quilts and creativity. And I had the pleasure of meeting Nann for With Strings Attached there. She was delightful and it was such fun as we knew so much about each other from our blogs. Kindred spirits with shared interests. 

Next year I think I will stay an extra day to take a class and have more time to perusing  all the vendors. 

A couple quilts from the show:    Best of show  Oh, my gosh, the quilting!!!

Beautiful with 3 D wool leaves. I love a good fall quilt.

I liked the variation of the pickle dish with the applique in the center. 

And Bucky Badger and the University of Wisconsin Band made an appearance since it was the 10th anniversary of the show. 

And since then, new fall events occur, school started,  and my schedule is fuller. But the glorious thing is the weather, warm enough to keep wearing summer schools, but not too hot. And sunny with beautiful sunsets. Love it!  

I have finished a Halloween quilt top. 

And I keep working on other blocks for New York Beauty: I am up to 26 out of 36. 

And I started another fall wall hanging I purchased fabric for LAST year. 

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