Thursday, August 29, 2024

Fall push

 I am in the mood!   That is: I want to QUILT again. It is almost fall and I have Halloween quilt that needs to be done the first week of October. I need to do my round robin in the next 2 weeks. I have a couple apple boxes/ Riley Blake kits to do for September. And I want to make progress on my New York Beauty and Dear Jane blocks. The energy is brewing to get things done. 

Labor Day is usually the time for many of my book clubs/ organizations to begin again after a summer hiatus.  Plus, school is starting/has started depending on where you live. As a retired teacher, it is still in my blood, getting new clothes and supplies now for the grandkids.   And it makes me excited for apples and colorful leaves on the trees and new yummy warm colors. And being retired, it is nice to not have to worry about setting up a class or lessons or getting up before 6:00 A.M.

So I am beginning a few new things. It is exciting to create and use new colors. I am making the Hello Boo quilt in the dark version by Lella Boutique black spider web fabric with white silken threads.  Very interesting colors for Halloween with peaches, pinks, fuchsia, and a grayish pea green. But the more I work on it, the more I like it.  Well, at least to give away to my daughter in law.  I would not like it for my house. 

Here are the alternate blocks using the panel with the collection. Love the cute sayings for Halloween. Now to make the pumpkin blocks in between. 

I also made the Pumpkin BOM for our next guild meeting; it is a 12 inch block. 

And as I am thinking about the Dear Daughter, I made her a mug rug with scraps.
And then I made one for the dear daughter in law, too.

Plus I have 3 wall hanging quilt tops that NEED to get done.  


  1. You've been busy, have a wonderful time making quilts this autumn!

  2. What a great array of projects!

  3. sounds like you have been busy and will be busy this fall. I guess I never really thought about getting new clothes and supplies for the grandchildren when they were at that age - they didn't live near me and I neglected that

  4. Oh my goodness you are a busy bee with all those lovely pretties to work on. I must say I love the Hello Boo Halloween quilt in those colours. I love the addition of peaches, pinks, fuschia and greyish pea green. Such a fun quilt. Those mug rugs are cute.
