And It is the ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY for the blog. Hooray for me! 834 views. 7 countries, and many supportive comments. Thank you!

So I pulled more homespuns in blues and reds, cut more circles, layered and sewed them down, and then cut and reassembled them. I finished 5 new blocks in addition to the previous 4 totally 9.
Lay out is 3 by 3 with a border in darker plaids, having additional quarter circles in the centers.

It is baby sized, currently 32 inches square; I will need to add one last border: 2 inches on one side, 4 on the other to finish off at 36 by 40 inches.
Border on:

All that is left is to back it with a fleece I purchased, quilt on the sewn lines and then bind it. The intended purpose is to donate it to a nursing home for a wheelchair/lap quilt.
This is very cute - I might have a go myself!