
Here are one of the quilts from the quilt show in Mukwonago today Saturday. ( If you live near Milwaukee , Wisconsin, come tomorrow. It is at the local middle school on 83, the main street in town.
I love this show. It always inspires me after the long winter. Today was no exception. Plus their sloppy jo is always good. The theme was 30s fabrics as it is the 30th anniversary show.
Enjoy the pictures. I will recall what details I can
This first one was a small one done by Shirley, a friend of mine. It's quilting had been done on an embroidery machine. Very pretty.
The next two are also in the category. The first one was done by another friend, Helen. The squares are one inch. The dots in the borders are yoyos.
I saw this one at guild from a distance. I really liked the grays in between the bright flowers. She has used Press n Seal for her designs on quilting. She lamented taking all the pieces off afterward.
The following 3 were made by the same quilter. Oh, my goodness! The last one was the overall winner and also the winner of hand workmanship. Outstanding,
The back of this one had the same color backgrounds on the back which went around the circle like a color study. And the details of the quilting were so beautiful and were done in a variety of colors as well as a variegated thread in some areas.
This one had such amazing applique and quilting; the back was a solid white like the front. Cross hatching size was about a quarter inch.
There are not enough superlatives to express how beautiful this quilt is. What a great Baltimore album quilt! It is stunning!
I keep meaning to do this one as I have the paper pieces. Lucy Boston, I believe. It is also hand quilted.
This one was done by a fellow quilt member, Nancy. The pattern was from a Piecemakers calendar in 2003. She redesigned the center to replicate her grandfather's barn. There are so many tiny details of embroidered flowers, silk ribbon embroidery, applique clouds, and the selection of barn fabrics, stones, grasses and more really made it. Plus all her homespuns were on grainline. It only took her 5 years to make and she hangs it in her sewing room.
I really neat modern quilt, with many quilting designs emblazoned in the white sections.
The reds in this one were so varied and really made the quilt stand out from a distance.
I loved this tiny little one...smaller than a piece of paper.
I think I have this pattern in my stash. But I really really like it. This version is striking with its batiks.
I didn't search much in the vendors, but did find some treasures in the 2nd hand area: a large bag of red, white and blue strips, a 30s Lori Smith miniatures pattern, and an old Quilt Sampler magazine. I have at least 12 years of these.