This week has been long for me. I just felt blah! I don't know if it was overload from the quilt retreat, catching a low key bug, or what. Even people at work were saying I look so tired. Finally by Thursday I felt more like myself. So absolutely NO SEWING all week.
I didn't even unpack my sewing machine until Saturday. I have started on my Rainbow Scrap Challenge of Greens. Nine blocks have been cut out and ready for most of the month. Hope to get them done today.
Saturday was absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining and so warm. It seems strange for our weather of late! We have had such a wet and cool spring. So my hubby and I went to the farmer's market and bought great cinnamon rolls, and my zinnias for the back porch. Then we attacked the yard. I weeded the front beds and removed buckets of winter leaves ( and a bunny nest no longer in use).
And last night we went to my favorite Mexican eatery by the lake. Ahhh the first margarita of the summer. And the sunset on the water... the boats running back and forth ... the kids in the sand... the water. Yes I love, love watching it.
And now it's Sunday and it started out raining. But about noon it cleared and hubby and I cleaned out the back flower beds. We must have pulled about a hundred Buckthorn. Ugh. From a couple inches to a couple feet. And all the leaves and brush are mostly gone. We quit after about 2 hours.
So I then started sewing. Yeah! I got several of my Rainbow scrap challenge blocks done.

As a review each block is 6 and 1/2 inches; that means 8 half square triangles of 1 and 1/2 inches each. My method has been Thangles.
And now for my Slow Stitching Sunday. I trimmed my homespun Squarely Red quilt and attached the binding.... Now for the hand sewing. I am going to get the TV going.