So here are some of the projects I could/ would like to finish:
1) Blockheads setting. I have the fabric with a few of the sashes started. Started 2017 in spring

2) Christmas tree skirt. I am so bad! Ugh! for wedding last October

3) Row by row for me! Needs a little modification and some wool applique. The last row was finished this spring

4) Row by row started for a quilt group. ( all the rows are made even) Black and brights, several years old
5) Valentine blocks. already pieced. Just needs organizing into a wall hanging

6) 30s hearts and strips: log cabin pieced hearts with strings of 30s in between

7) Halloween row by row for guild: started November

8) Christmas quilt: several sections made. Pattern by Kansas Troubles
I didn't realize it was a full bed sized quilt, and was thinking it was just a wall quilt for Christmas.

9) Flannel quilt for new couch. New project

To be made with woolies layer cake and brown tweed instead of navy
10) Another Christmas tree skirt for March wedding
11) Wisconsin lap quilt using Yellow Brick Road pattern

12) Quilt for 4 year old grandson 2 years old Transportation blocks: 8 made

13) Rainbow scraps: needs to be put together from 2017

And so on and so forth.
Yes, there's more. But how many can I make in a year? And I will find/start some new projects.
I do have bags of projects, a stash of fabric, boxes of patterns, and shelves of books. All waiting to inspire me. .... You understand.
Here's to the new year and the open slate ahead of us!