Sunday, July 7, 2024

Taking a break

 It is that time of year: vacation with the kids.  YEAH! ( Can you just hear Kermit yelling?)  My dear husband and I are going to Missouri to vacation with the grandkids and their parents.  I know it will be hot.....and muggy.... but we will be by a lake and have a pool.  What more could you ask for?

Then we get to bring the grandboys home with us for  2      w h o l e     w e e k s.     So I am planning food and activities and  reading books and FUN.  

They are 8 and 10 years old now.   Getting so big!   We bought used small rackets for them, will set up a tent in the back yard, and swim.  We will go to parks, and zoos, and pools, and lakes.  We will grill and eat ice cream and make fun memories together. 

And I will be tired, but oh, so happy. 


  1. Have a wonderful time with the grands! They will remember staying with you forever!

  2. you will have fun I'm sure - get in as much as you can because when they become teenagers things change a lot of the time

  3. Have fun, safe travels, and take your'll need it to keep up with the kids for that long.

  4. Waving hi, as I make my blog rounds. Hope you're enjoying your time with the kiddos.

  5. Waving hi again as I make my blog rounds. You must still be out and about. Enjoy.

  6. Waving hi again, out making my blog visits.
