I have so much I have been working on. And even more that I want to get done. There are the little things like just fixing the quilting on a donation small quilt, to the new donations started, and the one that has been occupying my living room floor for a WEEK. ( Although it was good for moving a few blocks for better color placement. )
1)Oh, and the weekly blocks for blockheads.

2)My RSC blocks are increasing: (see previous post for pics of latest and tricks).
3) Working on donation quilts:A) quilt of valor lap from my bull's eye almost done, B)homespuns needs a border and quilting C tumblers : still on the floor and I started D an eye spy for kids.
$And lastly my log cabin quilt along just isn't going anywhere. ARGH!
I do have a good excuse. My sewing machine is in the shop. My really good one, the one I just know how to operate for careful sewing and the only one I have quilted on. It has been gone for almost 3 weeks. Can you hear my exasperation? Luckily I have a back up. Thanks Hubby!
The extended deadline for my log cabin. will be for my guild's quilt show: April 22.
It has had one border added, but all it needs is applique placement, borders sewn, and then quilting.

Good news: checking the posts from March I can see my accomplishments:
( goal for creating this job accomplishing)
My En provence is completed and given away. WOOP, WOOP!

I quilted and bound my brother's extra courthouse steps 4th of July square. Yes, an extra square.
But it is DONE!

And of course, new starts:
Easter bunnies! Well, bunnies anyway for my mom. I am now thinking a full quilt and to be done when I visit her in the summer. Latest idea is to use the twister borders with the 30s fabrics and then borders of the variety of prints I have.

But I also think I am going to make placemats. I am hating the lack of springtime weather and need something to look forward to. If you want to make it the directions are :Here