So I get to deliver the quilt to my grandson and can't wait. It will be our first trip to Louisiana to see them all down there. The weather will be a nice change from 50s during the day here to 70s and 80s there.
There is nothing in the world like filling your hug jar. It was the best time and I just loved being with these 2 grandboys. My hubby and I had a blast sharing our hotel room with them as well.
Lights out for them also meant we slept , and boy did we need it.
I had so much fun holding their hands as we walked places, having them sit on my lap, reading books and having fun with toys or water, or even the pancake machine at the hotel.
They have both grown taller in only 4 months. The older one is much slimmer and doing so well on reading and math skills. I am amazed and thrilled to see how much he is learning. The "little" one is egging to be in school and do things with his brother but is the sweetest of personalities.
Here is my son's family and my husband. Notice I am missing as I am the recorder of memories and I take the pictures.
The only pictures I am in are the selfies. Too much fun!
AND lots of love.

I forgot to get pictures of them with their new pillowcases and the new quilt for the older one.