Sunday, February 6, 2022

SAHRR Round 3

 I have made the plan for my row and love the colors and design.  I feel so bad that I have not completed the patchwork for the deadline. 

The issue is the odd measurement which started with my center block. As I used charm squares, the measurement could of course, not be 5 inches. so as I made hourglass blocks, It ended up at 11 inches. And each successive round is off.  

So this round is starting at a measurement of 23 inches. 

My plan is to reduce my 6 inch blocks 1/4 inch making it fit the width/length.
Here is the design of the blocks and mathematics for how many.

And here are the sample blocks which are not sewn together yet.

And then these are the corner blocks:  

So I will have to work twice as hard to get my Round Robin completed this week.
Plus I need to finish my valentine mug rugs. 


  1. is it supposed to be a certain measurement or is it ok if you add a very narrow border strip before you start to add your next round?

    1. I am debating that very same question. I need to attack those blocks!!!!!!

  2. Your fabrics just scream spring and are so pretty. Looking forward to this one coming together.

  3. Even with the measurement off a bit, it's looking quite pretty to me. I love the color combinations you're using and am anxious to see your project progress.
    Sandy's Space
