Thursday, May 9, 2024

Round the blocks!

 I am so excited to get my basic 8 blocks completed!   I had to, of course, make extra single blocks to frame the larger circles.  But that it ok; I have lots of strips cut to the 1 1/2 inch size.  

2  different angles.

So now I realized it is already 100 inches long and that does not include any sashing which I plan to add in black.  That is just too long for a twin bed. That makes it is easy to decide on  9 blocks and make it more squarish of a 3 by 3 setting. And then add the borders all around the 4 sides. 

Making a light blue centered block for the 9th block...

This will go on a back burner until my fall retreat where I will collaborate with a creative friend. Or I may just let it marinate as I decide what to do for borders.  I have a couple ideas. but having a friend  who has good ideas and helps try them out is awesome.   She even helps work on the math. I do enjoy working with her.