Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Small finishes

 I had checked on my Instagram account and realized I hadn't posted anything in a good long while.  

So I checked my blog, and sure enough, I have been quilting and stitching lots of things. But I have had few finishes in the last several months. 

I need to get on that.  Several quilts are in the near top stage. Forward/ Onward.  Just March!!!

So I pushed to at least finish the little projects I have been working on:

1)   Got  the Easter door quilt for Mom finished.  It is good to work with bright happy colors.

2) Finished the inch square mini project, binding and all.

3)  Added half square triangles to the leftover 16 patch squares. 

I may not be quilting on the sewing machine much the next couple of weeks.  My sister is having an elbow surgery to repair all the broken bones from a fall.   Her husband will be going to Texas to be with his sister who is going in hospice. Too much at once for them.  So I am happy to help out. 

And Happy St. Patrick's Day.  I even made corned beef over the weekend in the crockpot. Yummm.


  1. I love how you've used those little squares in both projects. The Easter door quilt is beautiful. Spending that quality time with your sister when she needs you is important.

  2. Your little quilts are beautiful.
    The Easter Quilt for your mom is so sweet. Beautifully done.
    The mini project is absolutely charming with its curved lines and little button blossoms... and the table runner adds a modern look with its squares and triangles.
    I'm glad to see everything.
    All the best to your sister, it's nice that you can spend time together and that you can help her.
    Best wishes from Viola.

  3. Aaw your Easter quilt is adorable as are all of your other quilts. I wish your sister a speedy recovery as she faces elbow surgery. Have a lovely week. Hugs.

  4. oh no so much at once - go be with your sister don't think about keeping up the blog we will all be sending good thoughts you and to your husband as well it is very rough having someone in hospice but their care is great we have gone through it now so many times in my extended family and have nothing but good to say of hospice

  5. Beautiful finished quilteds, all so cute! Don't worry about quilts or blogging, they will be there when you are back home. Do you have some handwork you can do while staying at your sister's place? Hope the surgery goes well for her.
