Sunday, July 9, 2017

Slow stitching the trees

A trip to visit my Mom again in Canada. That gives me hours in the car to stitch while my husband drives and relaxing evenings with family to spend on stitchery. And lots of time spent carefully with needle and thread slowly expands the areas completed.

This is the 2nd panel of 3 of Crabapple Hill's "Over the river and through the woods".


  1. Hi Debbie,
    That is a LOT of detail work. I haven't tried stitching in the car - the movement must not bother you! How about low lighting - do you bring a small light with you? Just curious - I am spending a long weekend at my brother's house and it is too dark in the evening. I am need to buy/bring my own light! You are doing a great job. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. love that you are stitching on, but i love Christmas, just found you and plan to follow

  3. following on google but wanted to get u in email or bloglovin

  4. Looking good so far, I love Crab-Apple Hill patterns.

  5. Long car rides are perfect for slow stitching (if you don't get motion sickness!)

  6. I have worked a lot of Crabapple designs and actually have this one in my tote for 'someday'. I love to see it actually being embroidered. Also love Laundry Basket quilts. So much in common. Happy Stitching!

  7. I did this one. It was fun. Have a nice trip.
