Monday, October 9, 2023

A Little Pumpkin

During August I had shown the photo of this Halloween quilt to my daughter, a proud cat/ human?  This is her companion and friend through thick and thin.

Anyway, she liked the idea for a door hanger. So I purchased the pattern and created a one block quilt.

At first it was a synch to whip up the patchwork pumpkin with 2 1/2 inch squares.  And then I liked the idea of the framing from the pattern, but altered the size for such small quilt. 

Here is the back that I just quilted with my regular foot after ironing the 3 layers together.  It held quite well. 

And the final product with a striped binding done by machine with the help of " Elmer".
I even got the rod pocket on in the ditch of the frame. 

My daughter, husband and I took a little jaunt to an outdoor art show.  It was a little chilly all of a sudden as the weather dipped to the 50s and it was windy on the hill. But it was a great trip. 

On our way home I saw the most amazing yard displays of  skeletons. 

Holy cow! Rhat is a lot of bikes and skeletons.  Not to mention all the helmets.

Go Pack Go!



  1. Your pumpkin and black cat quilt is so cute and a fun Halloween display!

  2. The pumpkin quilt square is adorable. What a fun decoration to use year after year. OMG, the bikes and skeletons. How in the world did the person collect so many. Not a cheap way to decorate for sure.

  3. Adorable, especially since it has two of my favorites - pumpkins and cats!

  4. That pumpkin kitty is adorable! Nice quilting and I love the binding too.
    We have a family down the street from us purchased one of those really tall Jack Skeletons - I saw it at Home Depot priced at $399.00 - wow!

  5. What a sweet Halloween wall hanging!

  6. Hi! what a great Halloween wall hanging. Just perfect!
